Monday 6 March 2017

Konmari Method of Organizing

Marie “KonMari” Kondo runs an acclaimed consulting business in Tokyo helping clients transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration. Her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is a best seller in United States, Japan, Germany, and the UK, with more than six million copies sold worldwide. 

The first step in KonMari method is to visualize the life you wish to have with a clutter-free space. Maybe it means hosting more parties for your friends, more space for your hobby, etc. The magic of tidying can dramatically transform your life. The goal is to be surrounded only by the things you love (or need) and to be inspired by your possessions rather than stressed out by them.

Tidy by category instead of tidying room by room, Marie advises we tackle clutter by category in the following order: clothes, books, papers, miscellany (komono), and then things with sentimental value. You’ll put all your clothes on the floor and sort through them, then all the books, “komono”, etc.

Finish discarding first. During sorting, go through everything, do the purge first before putting and arranging the things back in the storage. Evaluate each item whether it sparks joy for you or not. You should ask yourself “why should I keep this?”. It is like you have a relationship with every object you own, if you don’t need some of them in your life anymore, you can thank them for their service and get rid of them (or send them to charity/ recycling station). 

After discarding, designate a specific home for every single item you keep to avoid a clutter relapse. Ideally, it should be just as effortless to put something away as it is to locate it later. Store the stuff you do decide to keep with respect, in the best way to see and appreciate them. KonMari offers suggestions, such as storing bags within bags, decorating the back of your closet, and keeping bath and kitchen items stored outside of the bath and kitchen sink area (to avoid grimy buildup). [source]

Folding Method
Rather than haphazardly laying things flat in a drawer, they should stand upright; the more folds there are, the less wrinkled the item will be once ready for wear. The objectives are to be able to locate them easily and to grant clothes the respect they deserve by touching, appreciating, and properly storing each item. [source]

KonMari folding method - shirt

For jeans

They should stand upright; the more folds there are, the less wrinkled the item will be. You can locate the item easily and it grants clothes the respect they deserve.

Organizing Clothes Closet
First, hang the clothes that you are storing on hangers on the pole from the longest item to the shortest. If you have too many to hang, fold as many as possible to save space and store them in a set of drawers placed underneath the pole. Use these drawers to store clothing-related komono as well, and any other komono categories that seem to fit, such as accessories and items you use daily. In general, the shelf in the top of the closet is for bags, hats, off-season komono, and sentimental items. If more than one person uses the closet, be sure to assign individual space for each person. [source]

Marie Kondo



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